Athletic Golfers will hit it further and play better, guaranteed

This 6-Week Athletic Development Program Gives Youth & High-School Golfers the Power & Confidence to Win Tournaments through Customized Training to Get Stronger and Physically Fit.

“Matt’s coaching has not only helped our students perform physically but also mentally. On the course they are more fit, have more awareness of their body through their swing and have more stamina. Mentally the kids are more motivated to be fit, flexible and prepared to play golf. Our students look forward to training with Matt and actually say that they love fitness! For a coach to motivate kids and make fitness fun is very unique and unlike any other. The communication skills he has as a coach allows the student to perform flawless athletic movements. I would highly recommend anyone in the golf industry to work with Matt for his experience & attention to detail.”

- Zach Newell, Director @ Newell Golf Academy

The Athlete: First Difference

Golfers that can hit the ball further than their competition have a better chance of winning tournaments.

This has been a huge emphasis on the PGA Tour where Swing Speed = Big $$.

Gaining extra distance off the tee box means better scoring potential and leads to better performance.

Swinging the club faster doesn’t just provide an advantage for professional players…

Players of ALL levels can take advantage of being stronger and more athletic.

When non-professional players maximize their driving distance they can gain up to 4 strokes per round!

The further you hit it, the better chance you have of making an accurate approach shot which leads to shorter putts and lower scores.

For every 10 yards of increased distance relative to their competition, golfers can expect to gain at least 0.5 strokes per round.

Over a 4-day tournament, that’s 2 strokes against the field minimum!

But surprisingly, the greatest potential for improved performance isn’t at the professional level… it’s not even at the amateur level…

It’s at the Junior level!

The strokes gained potential for a junior golfer driving it 10+, 20+, or even 30+ yards further than the competition can be the difference between winning a tournament or finishing at the bottom of the field!

Junior Golfers who are strong and athletic dominate the competition when playing.

Plus the boost in confidence from hitting the ball great rockets their self-esteem and performance!

Thankfully through science and research we know exactly how to train golfers to increase their swing speed.

And it doesn’t even require a golf club!

The most effective way to increasing swing speed is by being more physically fit.

The stronger the athlete the more force they can produce and the faster they will swing the club.

This results in faster club-head speed and greater distance not just for the driver, but for EVERY shot.

You don’t have to be big in stature either in order to be strong enough to hit it far.

Look at Rory McIllroy, one of the shorter players yet one of the longest hitters on Tour this year.

He attributes this almost exclusively to his dedication to physically training.

“Since I started training in the gym I’ve won 4 majors and got to world number one. So it can only help.”

– Rory McIlroy



Getting stronger increases the potential for force production which means you can generate a faster swing speed.

Being Athletic doesn’t just improve driving distance…

Stronger and more powerful athletes benefit from improved:

  • Balance

  • Coordination

  • Body control

  • Stamina

  • Endurance

This means golfers can practice without getting tired and play with the same effort and intensity for every hole of every round.

They’ll have more stability on difficult shots and have more control for hitting out of hazards or in tough lies.

These improvements will lead to greater accuracy and less mistakes, meaning lower scores.

While some people are under the impression that athletic development training is risky and can negatively affect a golfers swing, this is just simply not the case.

Research has proven that physical training is safe AND effective for youth athletes when done correctly.

They don’t need to lift heavy weights or perform complicated exercises...

The best training for junior golfers to improve the athleticism is by learning the fundamentals of exercise!

With the guidance of an expert coach they can easily and quickly learn how to exercise safely while building strength, endurance, and power.

But in order to see results from physical training, they need to start now!

"The longer you wait to get a child into exercising, the harder it becomes to teach that child how to make a good golf swing."

– David Donatucci, Director of Fitness & Performance for PGA of America

The best time to begin giving junior golfers the benefits of performance training is right now.

The sooner that an athlete learns how to control their body the greater chance for success they will have in their career.

That’s why I developed the Athlete First: Training Program.

To give the foundation of athletic success to the future of golfers – now.

The Athlete First: Training Program develops Athletes First, Golfers Second.

Through this program Junior Golfers learn movements, stretches, and exercises that will help them develop athleticism, get stronger, and ultimately play better golf.

Every aspect of becoming an elite golf athlete has been stripped down and simplified into an easy-to-follow training program that delivers results.

Through in-person coaching and at-home exercise – competitive golfers can expect to tee it up with more confidence, more energy, and more power than ever before.

Don’t take it from me – here’s what parents had to say about their athletes improvement:

“As our son Jesse entered 9th grade, we wanted to make sure his training was as organized and structured for maximum benefit the same way his practice was for Golf.  We met with Matt and after a complete diagnostic evaluation we started a program designed to improve his fitness, strength and nutrition. Jesse has built tremendous confidence knowing he trains as hard and at the same level of any other high school athlete and could sit in on a high school football workout and more than hold his own. It's one thing to hear it or feel it, but to see the progress by the numbers is really the only way to evaluate success. Before training he had a problem with fatigue over the course of a tournament, but now he finished the round driving it just as far as he started! That was almost more important than the improvements in distance and power. Matt brings so much knowledge, experience and credibility to his work.  But most of all he brings a passion that is evident in every session.  Any parent who is serious about training and having their child achieve their maximum potential would be well served by putting their child's training program in Matt's extremely capable hands.”

- Lance Hellring, Father of Junior Golfer

Hi, I’m Matt Wilkins.

I’m a board-certified and licensed Athletic Trainer that has been working with professional athletes for over 10 years.

With a healthcare license in Athletic Training, a Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology, and two (2) TPI-Certifications - no one is better suited at preparing youth golfers for a lifetime of elite performance.

There is no sport in greater need of safe, effective training than the sport of Golf.

With the growing emphasis on physical ability comes with it a dangerous potential…

A drastic increase in injuries.

Back pain, shoulder injuries, golfer’s elbow...

In young and competitive golfers, that should not happen!

And with the Athlete First: Training Program – it won’t.

I built this program so that Junior Golfers can develop strong, resilient bodies that will perform at a high level without getting injured.

And most importantly, so they can play to win.

When your child commits to the Athlete First: Training Program, they can expect to achieve incredible results in just 6 weeks:

  • Faster clubhead speed for increased distance on EVERY shot

  • Increased stamina so they can play better, for longer

  • Greater stability to handle difficult shots

  • No more aches and pains after playing or practicing

  • The confidence to play their best at every tournament

It’s not easy to keep a Junior athlete motivated in the gym - but I’ve been working with the youth for a long time and I know exactly how to keep them engaged and trying their best.

After all, results don’t come overnight. It’s about paving the pathway to success in the rest of their life.

Our training sessions are much more than about exercise. They include team-building activities, discussions on effort, discipline, and the importance of doing well in school.

My proudest moment as a coach has come from a high-school athlete coming into the gym and exclaiming, “Coach, I got all A’s on my report card for the first time!”

Not coincidentally, that workout was one of the best one he’s ever had.

We understand that investing in your child’s athletic future is a big deal…

That’s why I’m committed to personally guiding each athlete’s journey every step of the way.

The Athlete First: Training Program is so strong that it’s backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If you’re not happy with their improvement in 6-weeks, they’ll continue to train with us until you are.

This is an exclusive opportunity to Develop athleticism in youth golfers.

If accepted into the program, they will receive:

Baseline Performance Evaluation

Athletes will be tested for their Lower Body Strength, Lower Body Power, Upper Body Strength, Upper Body Power, and Core Endurance.

6-Week Training Program

Athletes will access their individualized training program through a state-of-the-art app that they can access anytime, anywhere - right from their phone.

In-Person Professional Coaching

Athletes will come to our elite performance facility for individualized performance coaching with one of the top Performance Coaches in the industry.

Follow-up Performance evaluation

Upon completion of the program, athletes will be re-tested with the same tests they started with to objectively measure their improvement.

Performance improvement report

Athletes will receive a detailed breakdown of their performance before, during, and after the training program so that they understand the impact training has on their game.

strengths & weaknesses summary

Included in the Performance Improvement Report is a complete review of where the Athlete performed best and where their future training should focus on to improve.

At the Professional level this package would cost more than $5,000 / month

But we’re offering it to Elite Junior Golfers for less than half of that!

This program isn’t for everybody though.

Student-athletes need to be committed to the program in order to see results.

If they don’t have at least 3 hours per week to follow the stretches and exercises this might not be for them.

While the training program can help athletes of all skill levels, those who play golf consistently will see the greatest benefit.

Continuing to practice the game is critical to seeing the effects of training carry over on to the course.

If they can do all these things and want to take their game to the next level, then THIS is the training they need.

We are accepting applications for Five (5) New Athletes to join our team in Miami.

In order to ensure the maximal quality and attention for each teammate spots are limited.

Once we have reached our Athlete Maximum enrollment will close until a new spot becomes available.

If your child is struggling to keep up in distance with other kids their age and is starting to lose self-esteem…

Don’t wait any longer. This is the program that will give them the tools they need to become strong, explosive, and a more confident athlete!

With only FIVE [5] spots available - now is the time to unleash your child’s potential

secure their future success!

To apply for Athletic Development Training for your Junior/Youth Golfer, simply click the link above. You will be taken to a form to answer some questions. Once you hit “Submit” your information will be sent automatically to our team and someone will be reaching out to discuss your child’s participation as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in the Athlete First: Training Program!